Skype Discussion 18/11/19
Hey everyone! Just putting down a few thoughts about last night's brilliant Skype. This was the first Skype I'd been a part of for a while, and it was really heartening to speak to a group of people who are all in the same boat as me. Obviously Laura and I have been bouncing ideas and essay point off each other, but it was good for us both to know that the wider community in the course are at a similar stage to us. We discussed how theories can relate to our practice. I've been looking at my practice and all of the areas of learning that are included in my essay. It has been useful to me to do that and map everything out, and then find literature and theories that relate to what I'm already doing. I find that the easier way round as it means the theories and practitioners I find fit my practice, rather than shoe-horning in theories to match that may not fully relate to my practice. We also spoke about the diagram, and I'm excited to develop that further know...