Back to it.

For one reason or another over the last few weeks, I've not got around to doing much on the course. Ironically, this is partly down to my practice. Over the last week, I've spent some time reading up on blogs about what's been discussed, and re-reading the handbook.

I was planning to attend the campus session yesterday, but ironically, my practice was what prevented me! I was at the press launch for the pantomime I'm doing this year in Peterborough. Fortunately, I have a great study partner for this course. My fiancé Laura was able to attend the campus session and as we were in a similar situation with our progress, it was really helpful to have a big discussion about everything last night.

She was able to help me talk through the establishing of my practice. I tend to see things very black and white, and we were able to ascertain that there's actually a lot of great area for interpretation. Where I didn't think I used any real processes in my work, the discussion helped me to see that subconsciously, I do.

I broke down my acting ability into three main strengths. Comedy, vocals and auditioning. I knew that the principal way I learned these skills and how to progress was through experience, but I realised after the discussion, that in all of these areas I have taken on board some training that I seemingly had placed to one side in my brain, but had used ever since learning them.

This inspired me to start mapping my practices properly, even if it's for now just a stream of consciousness.

I'm glad to have the support and discussion so close to home, but would love to get involved with talking to Adesola, Helen and all of you more about it!


  1. Always helps to have your insights in our discussions, Tom! Stream of consciousness is a great starting point for us both as well. We can do this!


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